3/5, AUTHOR, Book Review, Fiction, H, RATING, Read in 2010, READING CHALLENGES 2010

REVIEW: The President’s Assassin by Brian Haig

The President’s Assassin
by Brian Haig

Copyright: 2005
Pages: 426
Rating: 3/5
Read: Aug. 7 – 13, 2010
Challenge: 2010 100+ Reading Challenge; Countdown Challenge 2010;  RYOB 2010
Yearly Count: 40

First Line: Settling into the backseat of the car, I mentioned to the attractive young lady seated beside me, “That’s a lovely pistol you’re carrying.”

Six people are shot and killed in a Virginia mansion, one of the victims is the White House Chief of Staff. But that’s not why Sean Drummond is called in on this case. New to the CIA, the Army lawyer knows that this is just the beginning: the killer left a note. The manhunt begins. There has been a $100 million bounty placed on the President’s head. If Drummond fails, Washington will never be the same. If Drummond succeeds, he will be a hero – maybe. It will be a rush against the clock to stop the senseless killing and get to the bottom of the case.

Apparently, this is part of a series, I was unaware of that when I first picked this book out. However, that wasn’t really necessarily my issue with this book. I never really warmed up to the main character, Sean. I just didn’t like him. He was cocky, smart-mouthed, and obnoxious. He’s just not a likable character in my opinion, and that affected my opinion of the entire book. Some of the parts of this part flew by and others felt like they moved at a snail’s pace. Overall, I enjoyed the plotline, but I just never warmed up to Sean.

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