3/5, AUTHOR, Book Review, Fiction, L, P, RATING, Read in 2010, READING CHALLENGES 2010

REVIEW: Step on a Crack by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge

Step on a Crack
by James Patterson & Michael Ledwidge

Copyright: 2007
Pages: 373
Rating: 3/5
Read: Aug. 16-21, 2010
Challenge: 2010 100+ Reading Challenge; Countdown Challenge 2010;  RYOB 2010
Yearly Count: 41

First Line: The back of the table captain’s cream-colored evening jacket had just turned away when Stephen Hopkins leaned across the secluded corner booth and kissed his wife.

The First Lady was only the first victim. Actually, her death was just the beginning. Very famous and powerful people gather in New York City for her state funeral and then many people are taken hostage in the church. Detective Michael Bennett is put on the case to try and negotiate with the criminals. But he can’t seem to get a line on these people. The case is confusing and it will take a lot to unravel it in the end. Dealing with personal issues of his own, Bennett must quickly figure things out for the world is watching, the NYPD and FBI are breathing down his back, and Bennett must either figure this hostage plot out or be the one who becomes responsible for the greatest debacle in history.

This is the first in the Michael Bennett series. I’m not really sure what to think about this book. I’m not really sure I like Bennett’s character, I wanted him to be Alex Cross too much! I also had some issues with the plot: I thought that there was a lot of build up and then the actually ending to the story was a bit rushed. Overall, I’m interested in reading on and seeing what happens as the series progresses, but it’s still up in the air as to my final opinion.

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